Tuesday, July 8, 2008


Zane Matthew Akers

July 6th 3:14 a.m.

6 lbs. 5 oz 19"long

So here's the story...we went to the hospital on Saturday afternoon, after contracting all day Friday and Saturday morning. I was 3 1/2 cm so they told me to walk the halls for awhile. After walking for about 45 minutes, I was about 4 1/2 cm so they decided to keep me. I was hoping for a short labor but it turned into a pretty long night. I was dilating and making progress but Zane's head was a little turned and was preventing him from dropping down into the birth canal. At about midnight I was pretty exhausted and asked for some staydol so I could rest for a little. That knocked me out for about an hour and a half, which I definitely needed. Then they gave me some pitocin to help get my contractions going more regularly. I started pushing at around 2:45 and he was born half an hour later. Because he dropped so fast and was out in one push, there was a little bit of fluid on his lungs, so they had to monitor that for awhile. But we are thankful he is very healthy and doing great!

The girls absolutely LOVE their baby brother...and fight over who gets to hold him next:) Kaesyn calls him her baby and doesn't give him up too easily! Well...motherly duties are calling...be back to blog later!


Carrie said...

Wow, Terri, he's perfect!! SO adorable!!! Congratulations, we're so excited for you! I look forward to meeting him in person soon!

Nancy said...

Congrats! I called you on Sunday, but Jared said you were resting. He is so perfect! Can't wait to meet him.

Jana said...

YAY!!! HE'S HERE!!! :) I hadn't hear anything! I'm glad everything went well and that you are both safe and healthy! Can't wait to see more pictures! Congrats on the BABY BOY!! :) Love you!

KK said...

Yeah! I'm so glad Zane Matthew is finally here! He is beautiful! I can't wait to meet him in person!!!

Sally said...

Congratulations! He's adorable, and boys are so fun!

Anonymous said...

Congratulation! He look's too cute. I can't wait to see more pics of him with the girls. You have a houseful now!

Jen said...

Congratulations! I cannot wait to meet him! I came looking for you on Monday at Women's and Babies in Lancaster b/c I was there with my brother and sil who was having their baby that morning, BUT YOU WEREN'T THERE! :-) Then I found out that you were in Hburg...oh well! HE IS PRECIOUS!

Jen said...

...oops! I meant Hershey! :-)

Leah said...

He is so cute!! I know that your girls will be the best big sisters. He is going to be smothered with all that lovin'!! I can't wait to get a peak at him in person.

Anonymous said...

Terri and Family - Congrats! Wow, I haven't looked at your blog in a few weeks. Hope you are having a great time with baby and his big sisters are being very helpful!