This post is more for my memory than anything b/c Jaelyn said the funniest thing the other day, and I want to be able to remember it years from now:) But, for all of you reading this, I should preface it by saying that the rule in our house is that you can't have gum until you're 4 years old...ESP Jaelyn, b/c she just chews and swallows it:)
So, now that Jaelyn is 4 years old, she can officially have gum and I gave her her first piece last week after she did so well at pictures. Apparently, she LOVES gum now and asks anybody and everybody for some all of the time. Well, the other day it was nearing snack time and she said she wanted a piece of gum. Here's how our little conversation played out:
J: "I...WANT...A...PIECE...OF...GUM...FOR...SNACK"
Me: " Sorry Jaelyn, gum is not a snack"
J: (very angry at me for saying no...comes back with this) "Well, fine then, I'm not going to show you how I can zip"
Me: (trying very hard not to laugh) "Okay Jaelyn"
Her face during this whole little episode was HILARIOUS! She was so mad that she couldn't have gum and I guess that was the best comeback she could think of! Funny girl!!!
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1 comment:
I just love this. I feel like I have many conversations like this one. Today Hannah wanted lunch and I gave options, but she wanted ice cream for lunch. Obviously I said no, but you can have ice cream after lunch. To which is responded "FINE. I will just never eat again."
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