At last week's ultrasound, we found out we are having a boy! After having 3 girls, I still felt I needed a definite "confirmation"...aka, pictures to confirm that it IS a boy. Lucky for us, one of Jared's clients is Womb with View...and what better time to call on them than now! So, yesterday was his meeting with them and I got to go along for a "confirmation scan". I knew it was going to be fun, but I had no idea how AWESOME the whole experience was going to be! It was a total different feeling than that of the ultrasound at the hospital. We were able to just watch our baby and try to get some really good pictures. I can't wait to go back in May and get more 3d's done! I highly reccommend going there to anyone who is pregnant!!! Here are some of my favorite pictures:
The 3D effect is awesome, we never had that done before!

And this was one of my confirming pictures:) As soon as Kelly scanned that area she said she was 250% sure it's a boy...and you can see why:)
We were also able to watch our little boy in 4D,which was undescribable! If you want to see a little of the video, follow this link:
It was so cool to see this little guy moving all around. We were able to see him move his little hands, open and close his mouth, smile and yawn! It was simply amazing! Isn't life such a miracle!?! How cool that we get this inside look!
That is so awesome that you could get that done...and you now can accept that fact that you're having a boy! :-)
With such great pictures, you can get started on his scrapbook now!
Oh - I'm so happy for you that you got to see your little man in 3-d and 4-d! AMAZING LIFE and technology!
thanks for sharing. i am just so excited for you. I also got 3D and 4D ultra sounds of Sarah Jane and it is unreal. I felt like I met her that day. It was so wild!!
Love the pic...cracks me up! I had a 3-d ultrasound with Kara and 4-d with Joshua...way cool!
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