Monday, April 28, 2008

FANTASTIC Monday!!!!!

Okay...the results are in!!!! Keep in mind that the top consignor for this sale made $471.50, and when I read that, I figured I would be nowhere close to that. (I brought home prob half of what I took, mostly winter stuff) I was HOPING to have made at least $200-250, I figured that would have been decent. Imagine the overwhelming sense of satisfaction and happiness I felt when I got my check today and saw that I made $417.52!!!!!! WooHoo!!!!!!! So for anyone interested...they are doing another sale in October and I will DEFINITELY be doing it again! If anyone is interested, I can get you the info you need.
So, the other part of my fantastic Monday was that we scored 2-$25 gift cards for Park City today...just by showing up to the guest center! Now this is awesome to me and such a God thing...I decided that Jared and I were going to get new bedding, since we had our old set since we were married...and it was time for a change. I sold all of our bed stuff on Ebay and still needed $50 yet to get the new set. But I knew that I wanted to be able to pay cash for it, since it wasn't a "need", just something extra. And voila...I get the email about the Park City gift cards! Is God awesome or what?!?

Despite the rain and yucky has turned out to be a GREAT day!!!

Tuesday, April 15, 2008


is how I feel right now! Getting ready for this little boy to come entails many things to do! Not only are we making more room for our growing family, we have lots of stuff to "sort through". This has literally, totally consumed my time for quite a few weeks, which is why I've not posted a blog until now. I knew we had alot of girl stuff...but until I drug it ALL out, I had no idea we had so much! So, when I was trying to decide the quickest and easiest way to get rid of all of it, I knew I had 3 choices: Ebay, consign, and yardsale. I found about this huge consigment sale in Lancaster where the profits get split 70/30 (I get the 70)and decided that was definitely something I should do. So, for the past month or so, I have been first, separating everything into piles for consigment/ebay/yardsale and then pricing/listing/and whatnot. Everything for the consignment sale had to be on hangers or ziploc bags, priced with a description/price/my number/and size. This took so much more time than I realized! And, our living room has been a disaster area, we can't even sit on our couch! I only have a few more piles to hang and price but here's what our house looks like right now:

The baskets and small tote are just shoes/hats/ and blankets! I'm sorta sad that we won't have any more little girls to wear all these cute sandals! Some of them, the girls never even wore!This is our couch, as of today. The piles on the far right still have to be hung, sorted by size, and tagged...I just need more hangers:) And that actually looks really good... before everything was in totes, you coudln't even see the back of the couch!These 2 bins are filled to the tippy top with clothes...all ready to go! They are so heavy that if anyone comes over, I just have to apologize for the mess b/c there's no way I'm gonna move them!

I'm really hoping this turns out to be a good thing not only b/c we have much to get for our little boy, but also b/c I have spent sooo much time on this project. We are also planning multiple get rid of the 4 totes of clothing I have for that! Geez, maybe I should have just opened my own little store!

In other news...things are going good with the baby. I had my glucose test yesterday, YAY for no more needles or bloodwork done! (until the iv at delivery anyway...which I always ask NOT to get, but they make me) I started having BH contractions about 2 weeks ago, which seemed kinda early to me, so now I just kinda have to watch what I do and not "over-do"it. Anyone else out there have them that early?? Oh, and Jared asked if he could deliver this baby too and unfortunately, he won't be able to...we were a little bummed about that. I think that's it for now!