I will go back and blog all about Jaelyn's 4th birthday party but I just had to post our latest news! We had our ultrasound today! Everything looked great with the baby! It is as cool seeing the 4th baby in utero as it was the 1st! The baby was somewhat uncooperative, so we only got one good profile picture, as seen above:)
Oh yeah, and we found out one other minor detail...IT'S A BOY!!!!!!
Can you believe it?!? After 3 girls?!? I am still in disbelief a little bit...and Jared is on cloud 9!!!
YAY!!!!! How exciting!! Congrats!! I'm sure Jared is totally stoked!!! :)
Congratulations! Boys are pretty popular these days! =)
Jana and Sally...you guys will totally have to educate me about the world of boys! This will be a whole new experience:)
Oh my goodness - I can't believe you're having a BOY!!!!!! I'm totally shocked!!! Congratulations and will keep praying for that little guy growing inside of you!!!!
Congrats Terri! Have a great day today!
YAY!!!! Congrats, that's awesome!
Yeah!! I am so excited for you!! Congrats!
Boys are so great...congrats! I'm so happy for you guys!
I'm so excited for you guys! Boys are so much fun!
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