Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Happy Easter!!!

We had a fun filled Easter Day! Here are a few of my favorite pics:

Filling our baskets on Saturday night...Kaesyn started by filling hers one strand at a time until Jaelyn helped her:) We would have been there ALL night:)

Jared and I then had fun filling the baskets and hiding them! The girls were so excited Easter morning to go on the hunt for their baskets! It took them a while but they finally found 'em!

There were eggs filled with pretty ponies, pets from little pet shop, and little people...bubbles...chocolate lollipops...and we can't forget our rat jars:) Yes, Jared picked these out at the Disney Store for Jaelyn and Kaesyn...they are jars with Remi from Ratatouille in them and you turn the rat on and he "rolls" the jar. Wasn't my pick for an Easter basket but...they were a hit nonetheless:) (Taegan got something different...i didn't really think we needed 3 of these rats, hehehe)

Then it was time to get ready for church and from there, Grandma and Grandpa's house! I have so much fun dressing the girls alike for holidays :) and I just LOVED their Easter dresses this year! We took some outside pics at my parent's house:

Jaelyn absolutley loved the fact that she could spread out her dress like this...in fact, if anyone saw her in church, she kept twirling so her dress would flare out:) (I guess it's a good thing we were in the back)
After lunch, we opened Easter baskets and then it was time...for the all important egg hunt!

The girls had so much fun hunting eggs, we hid them over and over again! Kaesyn, especially, was very into it this year. They spent alot of the afternoon outside gathering eggs and re-hiding them! It was a great afternoon spent with family!

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Another Prayer Request...

Okay fellow bloggers and mommies:), I have a prayer request and since we all know the power of prayer is totally awesome, I wanted to share it. Today I got together with a friend from high school,her name is Kerri. Kerri and her hubby, Kevin, had been trying for awhile to get pregnant and were finally successful. She is due not too far behind me, and just had her ultrasound on Monday. They were told at their ultrasound that their baby's heart is on the right side of the chest instead of the left. This is a very rare occurence from what they were told. There is a chance that the baby could lead a totally normal life, as everything was pumping in and out of the heart as it should be. But, the doctor's are concerned about the lung development now. Kerri is pretty certain that she will have to have a C-Section and is really hoping to make it full term. There is also a possibility that their baby will have to have surgery hours after birth, even then with no guarantees. She said she will keep me posted, she has a test on Friday that will hopefully provide some more info.

I had no idea what to even say to her, I have no idea what it's like to be in a situation like that. I feel so incredibly blessed to have had 3 successful pregnancies/deliveries, and now a 4th pregnancy. So please, please pray for Kerri and her hubby as they are pretty emotional right now about this whole situation. I also do not know if they are saved, I don't think so, but I don't know for sure.

I just know that all of us mommies know what it feels like to carry a precious life and I know that I can't imgaine what it must feel like to KNOW that something is not right with my baby! And I know that if anyone would understand, it would be other moms...so thanks for praying for them!!!

Monday, March 17, 2008

Funny girl...

This post is more for my memory than anything b/c Jaelyn said the funniest thing the other day, and I want to be able to remember it years from now:) But, for all of you reading this, I should preface it by saying that the rule in our house is that you can't have gum until you're 4 years old...ESP Jaelyn, b/c she just chews and swallows it:)

So, now that Jaelyn is 4 years old, she can officially have gum and I gave her her first piece last week after she did so well at pictures. Apparently, she LOVES gum now and asks anybody and everybody for some all of the time. Well, the other day it was nearing snack time and she said she wanted a piece of gum. Here's how our little conversation played out:
J: "I...WANT...A...PIECE...OF...GUM...FOR...SNACK"
Me: " Sorry Jaelyn, gum is not a snack"
J: (very angry at me for saying no...comes back with this) "Well, fine then, I'm not going to show you how I can zip"
Me: (trying very hard not to laugh) "Okay Jaelyn"

Her face during this whole little episode was HILARIOUS! She was so mad that she couldn't have gum and I guess that was the best comeback she could think of! Funny girl!!!

Wednesday, March 12, 2008


At last week's ultrasound, we found out we are having a boy! After having 3 girls, I still felt I needed a definite "confirmation"...aka, pictures to confirm that it IS a boy. Lucky for us, one of Jared's clients is Womb with View...and what better time to call on them than now! So, yesterday was his meeting with them and I got to go along for a "confirmation scan". I knew it was going to be fun, but I had no idea how AWESOME the whole experience was going to be! It was a total different feeling than that of the ultrasound at the hospital. We were able to just watch our baby and try to get some really good pictures. I can't wait to go back in May and get more 3d's done! I highly reccommend going there to anyone who is pregnant!!! Here are some of my favorite pictures:
The 3D effect is awesome, we never had that done before!

And this was one of my confirming pictures:) As soon as Kelly scanned that area she said she was 250% sure it's a boy...and you can see why:)We were also able to watch our little boy in 4D,which was undescribable! If you want to see a little of the video, follow this link:


It was so cool to see this little guy moving all around. We were able to see him move his little hands, open and close his mouth, smile and yawn! It was simply amazing! Isn't life such a miracle!?! How cool that we get this inside look!

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Decorating Easter Eggs...

One of our favorite things to do at Easter time is decorate Easter Eggs with the girls! So yesterday, I hardboiled all the eggs in preparation...and the girls were so excited! After dinner, we started getting ready for this whole process...
We knew this was going to be an interesting year for this because Kaesyn is old enough to want to take part! She didn't quite get the fact that she had to leave the eggs sit in their color for a little while...she kept moving them back and forth between cups...WITH HER HANDS! She started out putting 2 eggs in this cup...

and then moved them both to this cup...Look at that hand!!!

Now, don't let this cute look fool you...everything was running smoothly...until she spilled a WHOLE cup a bright blue dye! Apparently Kaesyn thought SHE could move the cups and well, it didn't work out so well:) No pics of that...sorry:)

We noticed something else this year...Taegan took alot of time with her eggs and really thought about what color she wanted to make each one, while Jaelyn just put hers in colors:) Jaelyn was done with her pile of eggs long before Taegan was:)

So, new this year, was the egg that was deemed the "family egg". I have NO IDEA what this means or how this came about but the girls were so into the "family egg", it was kinda funny. All it really is is an egg that Jared dipped in just about every color dye we had! So, here is the Akers Family Egg for your viewing pleasure:)

And here are all of our eggs...ready for Easter day to be hidden outside hopefully!

What a fun family night! The girls had a blast and that's all that counts! Now we can't wait to hide these eggs!!!

Tuesday, March 4, 2008

Jaelyn's Birthday Party

We had Jaelyn's party on Sunday and she was SUPER excited about all of her friends coming! Her friends that were there were: James and Olivia Morrissey, Melanie Wagner, Kacy Robinson, Kara and Joshua Locker, Kierstan and Tristan Lentz, and of course Taegan and Kaesyn. We started out with a coloring activity while we were waiting on everyone to come.

Once everyone was here, we painted pony suncatchers...and boys painted frog suncatchers:)

After that,we played pin the design on the pony (for anyone not famiiar with my little pony...that's the design on their behinds). This game turned out to be HILARIOUS b/c I think only 1 or 2 kids actually even got the design on the pony...all the rest were on walls and and the door! I think one even got stuck on baby Declan:)

Then it was time for the pinata...but for some reason I have no good pictures of that. But it was a hit anyway...and the kids gots lots of candy:)

Then Jaelyn opened presents:

She loved everything she opened!!!

Time for cake!

It turned out to be a very nice birthday party and Jaelyn had alot of fun! Happy Birthday Jaelyn!!!!! I love you bunches and bunches!!!!

Jaelyn's Cake

As if I need one more thing to add to birthday parties, I always make the girls cakes! They really like telling me how they want their cakes, and I know it will be a memory for them. This process usually takes the majority of the day before the party...but all worth it in the end. I had NO IDEA what to do for Jaelyn's cake this year...she kept saying she wanted a whole pony but I just couldn't find any pictures cute enough. So, finally I came up with something...Jaelyn and I sat down and picked out which pony I was going to do...and then it was time to make this cake!

Here are some pictures of the process...I didn't take as many as I would have liked to but I was trying to keep moving!
The first step...piecing the 3 cakes together to make the pony

Second step...mixing all the icing colors

And finally...putting the icing on the cake

Putting on the finishing touches

The finished cake!

Monday, March 3, 2008

It's a...

I will go back and blog all about Jaelyn's 4th birthday party but I just had to post our latest news! We had our ultrasound today! Everything looked great with the baby! It is as cool seeing the 4th baby in utero as it was the 1st! The baby was somewhat uncooperative, so we only got one good profile picture, as seen above:)

Oh yeah, and we found out one other minor detail...IT'S A BOY!!!!!!
Can you believe it?!? After 3 girls?!? I am still in disbelief a little bit...and Jared is on cloud 9!!!

Disney On Ice...

I haven't posted for a little while...so it's time to catch up! Jared scored some tickets from work for Disney on Ice:Princess Classics...so, last Thursday we headed off to the Giant Center to see the Princesses! The girls were very excited and I think they enjoyed it a little more than last year because they know the stores a little better. They really wanted to dress up but it was sooooo cold that we decided just to wear princess sweatshirts instead:) Even Kaesyn enjoyed the show, well, the first half anyway:) After that, she was about done! Here are some pics of the show:

In awe... Aladdin and Jasmine Beauty and the Beast Cinderella Mickey and Minnie