Thursday, September 25, 2008


I love to keep track of all of thge "firsts" for the girls...and Zane, (Okay, must take a slight side trip's so hard not being able to just say "girls" anymore!) Anyway, Kaesyn had a first yesterday...her first haircut! She did great! Joyce just trimmed it up a little bit...nothing major:) And as I'm posting this, I realize I didn't take an after picture, bummer...


Jana said...

SERIOUSLY?! Micah's already in need of his THIRD haircut!! we're trying to hold out until my mom gets here in october - she gave him his first at 6 mos. and his second only 6 wks later!! if nothing else, this kid can grow HAIR!! lol

KK said...

Aww..her hair is so blonde! Did you save a lock for her baby book???

Anonymous said...

What a BIG girl!! :) Yes...we're going to need an after picture!! - Jen