Thursday, August 14, 2008

The Angels Are Rejoicing...

Tonight has been a momentous night. Let me preface this post by saying that we have been talking to the girls about asking Jesus into their hearts during our nightly reading of the Bible and prayer time. We have explained what it meant many times but they said they weren't ready. Okay, back to tonight. I was folding wash when Taegan came up to me and said she had been thinking about it and she was ready to ask Jesus into her heart! So we stopped everything, got the Bible, and sat down as a family. Then, Jaelyn said she wanted to also ask Jesus into her heart! We wanted to make sure they understood everything and then Jared prayed with them. It was soooo awesome to see our girls make such a life changing decision.
Praying with Taegan:

Praying with Jaelyn:

After the girls received Jesus into their hearts, they were so excited and wanted to call everyone to tell them! I hope they always have a passion to tell others about our amazing Lord! We are so proud of the decision our girls have made!


Nancy said...

Praise the Lord.

We are still working on this one with Hannah. She said she isn't ready. So this is encouraging to me!!


Jana said...

YAY!! That is SO awesome, Terri!! Praise God! I can't even believe how big they've gotten!!

KK said...

Yeah! How exciting!!!

Carrie said...

That is wonderful news! I have happy tears of joy for you! That is SO special they asked Jesus into their lives on the same night. PTL!!!

Sally said...

Praise God! I have tears, too. I love hearing stories like this!

Anonymous said...

Praising the Lord with you!! WONDERFUL update!!

Jen :)

Anonymous said...

YEAH for Taegan and Jaelyn! What a special memory for you and your family. Those girl's are so grown up looking now. Like little ladies. :) Give them all a hug for me.

Jena said...

Awesome! I'm so excited for your family! I love that you got pictures with the signs, and how extremely special to have pictures of the actual moment! I'm sure you'll treasure those forever!