Valentines Day is such a fun and special day in our household. I love to do fun things for the girls throughout the day. When the girls woke up Thursday morning, this is what they found at the breakfast table:

Then, we had a fun playdate with Kara and Joshua Locker. We made a fun lunch of heart shaped grilled cheese sandwiches and mac -n-cheese, and of course had red punch for drink.

After lunch, we decided to make some Valentines for the daddies:) Everone was very creative:)
And the finished valentines:
Joshua had so much fun riding on Kaesyn's zebra, I wish I had gotten a picture of him! We had so much fun with the Locker's and can't wait for the next playdate!
When Jared got home from work, we took the girls to get their Valentines picture done at the Picture People. A little late...but with sickness and snow, I figured better late than never! It turned out really cute!
After pictures, we headed to experience in and of itself:) The last time Jaelyn did this, she was very little and didn't really remember it, so it was like a whole new experience for her! When we first walked in, we had to pick our animal...and we thought THAT was going to be the tough choice of the night:)

The girls FINALLY decided on animals...matching pink and white bears:)

Next, it was on to the fluffing station...putting the heart in...sewing them up:

And from this station, we moved on to the brushing and "washing" station:

And we FINALLY made it to the most important part of this whole process...picking out just the right outfit! THIS turned out to be the toughest decision, especially for Jaelyn:) She kept changing her mind...soo many choices, too little time:) After we made our decisions, it was time to dress the bears, which Jared did, and was thrilled I might add, hehehe.

After that, it was time to name our bears...if you look closely in the picture, you will see that Taegan and Jaelyn picked EXACTLY the same bear with EXACTLY the same dress. We tried to get one of them to change their minds about something so we could tell these bears apart, but their minds were pretty made up!

Our Build-A-Bear experience has now been completed...time to take these bears home!
It really is such a fun thing to do for kids, and the girls had a blast. We weren't sure if Kaesyn would last through the whole process, so we are going to take her some other time...not so close to bedtime:)
The next day, the girls told me "that was the best Valentine's Day ever!" which made me feel really good that we could do that for them. I love you Taegan, Jaelyn, and are all so special to me!
Not to totally leave Jared out of this...we had our own Valentines later after the girls went to bed...Jared covered our table with rose petals and since dinner was over, we had candle lit dessert with our favorite desserts (mine being tiramisu...yummy!) It was very nice...until we had to go referee something in the girls room! Oh well...such is Valentine's Day with kids! Thank you Jared, for thinking of us and making a special night for us as well! I love you from the bottom of my toes! I could not have asked for a better husband!
I hope everyone had a special Valentines Day with those that you love! And big CONGRATS to Ryan and Jena for their special Valentines gift, baby Avalyn...we can't wait to meet her!!!
I LOVE your valentine's photo. I am so jealous that you got such a great photo. When we went to Picture People for our V-Day photo. They took a total of 5 pictures 3 of which Carter isn't even in. So I was super bummed. You will have to let me in on your secret to get such a super cute photo of your cute girls!!
Thanks babe for the nice comment! I love you to. I wish i could have done more, but i really enjoyed the little time that we spent together!
Love you babe!
Thanks for having us over on Valentine's Day <3 We had so much fun!
The pic of the girls came out perfect!!!
I love how Teagan and Jaelyn picked out the exact same bear...LOL
I can't wait to take Kara to build a bear. We are going to take her for her birthday!
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