Friday, February 22, 2008
Please Pray...
Tuesday, February 19, 2008
Happy Valentines Day!!!
And the finished valentines:Joshua had so much fun riding on Kaesyn's zebra, I wish I had gotten a picture of him! We had so much fun with the Locker's and can't wait for the next playdate!
When Jared got home from work, we took the girls to get their Valentines picture done at the Picture People. A little late...but with sickness and snow, I figured better late than never! It turned out really cute!
Our Build-A-Bear experience has now been completed...time to take these bears home!
It really is such a fun thing to do for kids, and the girls had a blast. We weren't sure if Kaesyn would last through the whole process, so we are going to take her some other time...not so close to bedtime:)
The next day, the girls told me "that was the best Valentine's Day ever!" which made me feel really good that we could do that for them. I love you Taegan, Jaelyn, and are all so special to me!
Not to totally leave Jared out of this...we had our own Valentines later after the girls went to bed...Jared covered our table with rose petals and since dinner was over, we had candle lit dessert with our favorite desserts (mine being tiramisu...yummy!) It was very nice...until we had to go referee something in the girls room! Oh well...such is Valentine's Day with kids! Thank you Jared, for thinking of us and making a special night for us as well! I love you from the bottom of my toes! I could not have asked for a better husband!
I hope everyone had a special Valentines Day with those that you love! And big CONGRATS to Ryan and Jena for their special Valentines gift, baby Avalyn...we can't wait to meet her!!!
Monday, February 11, 2008
And the Gold Medal goes to...
Thank you honey for taking such good care of us! We love you bunches and bunches!!!
For those wondering...the party is going to be rescheduled NOT cancelled...because it was such an awesome idea and I think it will be lots of fun! More info to come on that, after Jared makes some phone calls!
Wednesday, February 6, 2008
Pay It Forward
Playdate with Kacy...
They had so much fun and we look forward to getting to know Kacy and her family more! I see some sleepovers in our future:)
Free Family Fun...
First stop...making bookmarks!
Getting an ABC 27 tattoo from Daddy...gotta support the station!
And the finished product:
Finally, we made it to Mr. McFeeley! Kaesyn was pretty much wiped out by this point and missed the whole Mr. McFeeley experience...although he was nice enough to autograph a picture for her as well!
Looking at the fish...she was fascinated by the outside display...I can only imagine if we had taken her in the store!