Zane had his 6 month check up today...he weighs 14 lbs. 11.4 oz and is 25 1/4" long. That was the fun part of the visit...the not fun part was finding out the poor kid has a sore throat, double ear infection and pink eye in both eyes. And he got immunized on top of that! Our hearts ache for the little guy b/c he must feel so miserable! Hopefully he will be on the mend soon...
Thursday, January 8, 2009
Tuesday, January 6, 2009
Happy Half Birthday!
To our litte Zane...who's not so little anymore...and is 6 months today! Where has the time gone?!? Zane is now sitting up practically by himself, trying desperately to blow raspberries, and eating rice cereal! One thing I have not slacked on is taking his monthly block here's his 6 month:
Playing Catch-Up
Seems to be the story of my life these days! Yes, I know...I've been totally absent from the blogging world...not on purpose but somehow, time just gets away from me! I had all these great posts in mind but putting them off for another day turned into another week which turned into another...well, you get the idea. But to quickly recap...our fall literally FLEW by I think! Once school was onto Halloween...onto Thanksgiving...and then onto Christmas! Our Thanksgiving was spent in Missouri with family we hadn't seen in almost 2 years. It was a very looonnnnggg drive out there but we had so much fun once we were there. I would say I'd post pics but in reality, I prob won't get around to it:)
We had a great Christmas this year, all the kids were really into it. Some of the highlights were going to pick out our tree, making our traditional reindeer food (and of course the mess that goes along with it:)), Christmas jammies, and waking up at 4:30 a.m....yes that's right 4:30 a.m. This year I FINALLY convinced Jared to sleep in and let the girls wake us up b/c we all know they are early risers anyway...and what do they do? It was fun anyway...we did stockings until Zane woke up and then did everything else. Here's some fun Christmas pics...and a few of my favorites:)
In their jammies anxiousely awaiting "Santa"
We have no boy toys so Zane had to have this toolbox...which he LOVES!
This is what getting up at 4:30 will do to you:) Side note, this was just minutes before Taegan promptly sat up and got sick all over my poor Mom, not fun...not fun at all!
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