Taegan and Mrs. Sherrick:
And I just couldn't resist this one...Kaesyn just LOVES Trey and they were so cute playing ball with each other!
Taegan with Grace Hilsher and Ella Hixon
Taegan and Mrs. Sherrick:
And I just couldn't resist this one...Kaesyn just LOVES Trey and they were so cute playing ball with each other!
The girls had a BLAST...and Kaesyn really surprised us by riding just about everything Taegan and Jaelyn did. The only rides she didn't go on were the ones she wasn't big enough for! We can't wait to go again!
Towards the end of the circus, Ian and Zach both wanted to sit with Kaesyn...Zach especially was "taken" with her and held her hand for a long time! So cute!
After breakfast, we headed for church. Jaelyn planted a "miracle" for me...it took me awhile to catch on to what she was saying...but I quickly figured out she was talking about the marigold she planted. She keeps calling it her miracle, how cute.
After church, we met my parents and sister/her Jared at Hoss's for lunch. I was so hungry for real food, I couldn't wait! Unfortunately, I forgot my camera so I didn't get any pictures with my Mom and sis.
After getting home, the girls really wanted to put together their present to me...can you figure out what it is?
Now time for the fun part...and I chose bright pink for my toes:)
Thank you girls for pampering me and treating me so such special treatment! I love all of you sooo much!
*note: I did tell Jared that he had to fix my toes after they went to bed, which he did willingly:)
Thanks for such a fun time Jim and Amy! I am so sorry we had to cut it short!!!
I should make note for everyone else, and my future reference, that Friday turned out to be an eventful day...which is why our visit was cut short. I had not been feeling well all day but didn't want to ruin the night for the girls. I thought I could make it through the night without everyone knowing how I felt. But, as the night went on, I started feeling worse and I was having contractions pretty regularly. So we did end up leaving early. We stopped at my sister's house so I could lay down for awhile until they stopped...but at 1 am I woke up from having contractions consistently...prob around 6 an hour. So, by 6am we were on the way to the hospital. I was so worried they were going to put me on bed rest or something...this is prob my biggest fear as we have sooo much to do. But, they said I was having contractions due to being dehydrated...so a bag of fluids later and I was good to go, with the instructions to take it easy the rest of the weekend. By Sunday, I was feeling much better...but my water bottle is now my new best friend! Never a dull moment!
Each group got to go up front and sing their song...
Jaelyn received a cubbie bear to put on her vest! We are so proud of you Jaelyn and all you accomplished in a short amount of time!
Next it was time for Taegan's group, the Sparks:
Taegan LOVED going to AWANA every Wednesday night, and we loved how excited she was about it! She got a certificate but I totally missed my photo opportunity and didn't get the picture quick enough:) We're so proud of you Taegan!