literally:). The past few weeks have been pretty uneventful. Which is not bad I might add...but pretty boring when you want to post something exciting with pictures! Here are a few things that have happened though:
Our dear little Kaesyn, who is a sweet angel most of the time, has started throwing fits...and by fits I mean throwing herself down on the floor and rolling around. Taegan and Jaelyn NEVER did this so when Kaesyn pulled this little stunt, I was quite amused. Now it was a little funny at home and I, of course, grabbed the camera:). BUT, we have learned that it is NOT funny in the middle of the grocery store where she did the same thing. Thank goodness Jared was with me otherwise I think I would have had to do something I've never done before-leave my grocery cart sit:) I've heard of parents having to do that before but never thought I'd have to, I mean really, who ever thinks it would happen to them...well, in this case, I think I would have joined that club:) Here are some pics of the fit at home...for all of you who go to church with us and only see the angel side of Kaesyn:)

Now in case you are wondering if Kaesyn gets away with this little stunt, she does not:) She knows that this is unacceptable behavior and is disciplined appropriately:) I just had to post the pics though:)
On happier notes, we had our first baby appointment on Monday and got to hear the heartbeat for the first time! That is always so amazing to me and makes it so much more real. They confirmed my due date of July 17th and told us that our next appointment is the ultrasound already! (while it isn't until the beginning of March, I am still thinking that time is going way too fast and we have sooo much to do!) But we are excited and yes, we are going to try to find out boy/girl. I really liked being surprised with Tae and Jaelyn but let's face it...if it's a boy...WE ARE NOT PREPARED!
We are also deciding whether or not to have a doula in the room with us. A girl I went to HS with is a certified doula and has offered to be in the room with us...which I think would be kinda nice b/c she would be there the whole time as opposed to various nurses coming and going. We are still debating this though b/c Jared and I have always been a very good team and he is very much a part of the whole laboring process and we don't want to take away from that. So...has anyone ever had any experience with a doula or know of anyone that has? We are trying to find someone at least who has used one before to get their opinions before we make our final decision.
So, that's it for now...more to come!